Morning Coffee: Solomon Picture Book Released

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Fans of the USA National Team have the opportunity to relive the 2011 Solomon Trophy win through an event picture book featuring the photos of Eileen Soo. You can view the book online, or even buy a copy (hardbound) to impress your friends. There are two versions, nearly identical except for size: (be patient; takes a while to load)

8x8 version:
10x10 version:

The current prices are $20 for the 8x8 and $35 for the 10x10, plus shipping (and NY sales tax if applicable). This is based on a sale by the publisher through next week (8/13); after that the prices will go up. The price includes a donation to the USCA's Lee Olsen Fund for international team support.

Mark McInerney made it back-to-back tourney wins by taking the Irish Singles Championship with a -17TP,+17TP,+3TP,+17 over Ben Rothman. Full story from the CAI website--

The USCA is now selling the DVD of the historic Ben v. Mohammad golf croquet match played at the Pasadena Croquet Club last November. The DVD is narrated by Eric Sawyer and includes the post-match interviews with the players, as well as the jump shot clinic put on by Ben and Mohammad. The DVD is $19.95 and can be ordered directly from the USCA; or call 561-478-0760, fax 561-686-5507, or e-mail

Ian Burridge won his 10th Welsh Championship with +19tp, +4 win over David Walters +19tp, +4 in the finals. More results in the forum.

I haven't made my way through it yet, but Croquet World Online has a fresh interview posted with the mysterious Croquet East public club from London--

Eileen Soo tipped off this wonderful feature (with photos) on the Caledon Croquet Club in Canada. Excerpt:

Croquet, at least the version I was about to learn, is both remarkably like and completely different from what most kids play.