Beyond Expert Croquet Tactics - New Book

The Croquet Association (UK) in now selling a limited run of a new book titled Beyond Expert Croquet Tactics. The ambitious book has a wide-ranging focus, but at the top of the list it looks to provide updated tactical advice on Keith Wylie’s Expert Croquet Tactics which was first published in 1985.

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Bishop Gadsden Debuts Anderson Court and Croquet Pavilion

Bishop Gadsden Episcopal Retirement Community, a leader in the senior living industry, holds a grand opening ceremony to debut the new Anderson Croquet Court and Pavilion on Friday, Nov. 8, 2019. The ceremony begins at 10:30 a.m. in the Anderson Court Pavilion with remarks from Bishop Gadsden President/CEO Sarah Tipton and retired President/CEO Bill Trawick, as well as residents who were instrumental in making croquet at Bishop Gadsden a reality. There will also be a blessing of the court and pavilion by Fr. Dow Sanderson.

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Competitive Croquet Returns to Buffalo

Competitive croquet returns to Buffalo this week for the 3rd Annual Buffalo Croquet Club 6-Wicket Invitational. Over 30 players, coming from New York City, Boston, California, Florida and Canada will arrive in Delaware Park for one of the sport’s most popular tournaments.

Some of the country’s top players will be in the Queen City, including returning champion John H. Young III, of Bermuda, whose grandfather helped invent this American version of croquet; Chris Patmore, who originally rose through the croquet ranks of Britain; and Rich Curtis, the former president of the U.S. Croquet Association.

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USCA Announces Champions Purse

The Championship Flight winner of each American Rules (6 Wicket) Regional will receive a purse of $200 to be used to offset entry fees in the next National Championship in that discipline (US, AC, GC).

The money (purse) granted from this program is generated by donations. A donor has come forward to sponsor the US 6-Wicket Regionals for 2018. For this year, USCA is offering Champion's Purses for the winners of the US 6-Wicket Regionals and the USCA is looking for donors to sponsor the AC and GC Champion's Purses.

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Croquet Phenom from Mission Hills

The USCA Club at the Mission Hills Country Club in Rancho Mirage, California is extremely proud of its youngest member, Blake Fields. At just 11 years of age, Blake has recently made a name for himself by winning the first flight singles and the first flight doubles (with his father, Justin Fields at the USCA National Golf Croquet Championship (December 12-19, Mission Hills Country Club)! In these victories Blake bested a strong field consisting of top-ranked players from across the county.
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2017 Best of Croquet Network

As we roll into 2018, here's our brief annual look at the most popular articles and pages on the Croquet Network site for 2017. It's always interesting to see what rose to the top over the past year. This year the big change is that for overall content we saw the popular Backyard Warrior and Why Croquet Players Wear White articles knocked out of the top slots by the 2017 mallet directory and poll.
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2018 Chesapeake Bay Croquet Club Schedule

The Chesapeake Bay Croquet Club is proud to announce that we have a great lineup of events in the coming year.

  • April 4-8: Association Laws Croquet Southeast Regional at CBCC
  • April 11-15: Golf Croquet Southeast Regional at CBCC
  • May 23-27: American 6-Wicket Southeast Regional at CBCC
  • October 7-13: American 6-Wicket Nationals at CBCC
  • October 31-November 4: Oyster Crab at CBCC (American 6-wicket and Golf Croquet)

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2016 Supporters of Croquet Network

Certainly the biggest surprise I found in launching a croquet website back in January of 2008 was the closed environment on the internet for the sport. There are definitely a number of facets to defining what that even means, but getting other sites to link to Croquet Network is a large part of the equation and it has proven to be a futile effort. Success for Croquet Network has been built through more challenging methods, but the promotion of traffic and sharing of good croquet content is one of the key factors in building a successful website and active internet community overall.

It remains as the top challenge for Croquet Network and that is why I wanted to recognize the top sites that do support Croquet Network by driving traffic. For 2016, here is our list for top 10 supporting sites for Congratulations and thank you for supporting this site and the sport overall. 

01. Facebook