2023 Buffalo Six Wicket Croquet Tournament Has Waitlist

Since its inception nearly a decade ago, the Buffalo Croquet Club’s Annual 6-Wicket tournament continues to be one of the most popular croquet competitions in the country.

“Top players come here from all over the United States. And once again, we have a waitlist for those seeking to play in the four-day event,” says Tournament Director Ryan Thompson. “I’m sure the cash prize helps, but I think it’s really about the people and the festivities that attract players to Buffalo.”

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Buffalo Croquet Tournament Returns Next Week

You know it’s August in Buffalo when the white-attired women and men adorn the croquet lawns of Delaware Park for their annual tournament and tradition. The 6th Annual Buffalo Croquet Club 6-Wicket Invitational brings some of the top American croquet players to the city every year to compete for cash and a chance to have their name inscribed on the legendary “bronze buffalo.”

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Competitive Croquet Returns to Buffalo

Competitive croquet returns to Buffalo this week for the 3rd Annual Buffalo Croquet Club 6-Wicket Invitational. Over 30 players, coming from New York City, Boston, California, Florida and Canada will arrive in Delaware Park for one of the sport’s most popular tournaments.

Some of the country’s top players will be in the Queen City, including returning champion John H. Young III, of Bermuda, whose grandfather helped invent this American version of croquet; Chris Patmore, who originally rose through the croquet ranks of Britain; and Rich Curtis, the former president of the U.S. Croquet Association.

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2017 Croquet News Volume 3 Digital Edition

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Through the efforts of the USCA Management Committee and President Sara Low, I am pleased to announce that the 2017 Volume 3 issue of the Croquet News magazine is now available as a true digital edition and open to the public. A full intro is below, but the timing is perfect as this overdue edition is a tribute to the 40-year anniversary for the USCA. We are incredibly pleased to provide this issue to everyone who shares a passion for the sport. The print copies are on press and should be starting the mail process for USCA members next week.

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2017 Best of Croquet Network

As we roll into 2018, here's our brief annual look at the most popular articles and pages on the Croquet Network site for 2017. It's always interesting to see what rose to the top over the past year. This year the big change is that for overall content we saw the popular Backyard Warrior and Why Croquet Players Wear White articles knocked out of the top slots by the 2017 mallet directory and poll.
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Elite Croquet Returns to Buffalo

After last year’s widely publicized Buffalo Croquet Club Invitational, top croquet players from across the nation and overseas are returning to Delaware Park in August.

The three-day tournament drew widespread acclaim and attention last summer for both its on-court competition and off-court festivities. During the day, players ranging from adolescents to elderly, men and women, competed nonstop from morning to evening. At night, they hosted cocktail parties and galas at local homes and hotels.

“It can sometimes feel like a party-and-play marathon,” said Tournament Manager Ryan Thompson, a 40-year-old attorney who lives in the Elmwood Village. “You wake up at sunrise, play croquet, have lunch at a bar, play more croquet, and then have a different party every night. Sometimes it’s the 80-year-olds who are last to bed.”

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