Association Croquet Rules Summary

Association Laws (Rules) Croquet has traditionally been considered the main form of competitive six-wicket croquet played internationally. It is commonly referred to as AC for Association Croquet.

The game is played on a standard six-wicket court 28 yards by 35 yards with one peg in the center. It is played with four balls with blue and black on side and red and yellow as the opponent side. One player plays blue and black while the opponent would play red and yellow. The first side to play both balls through the entire 12 wicket pattern wins the game.

You may play either ball when it is your turn after the opening sequence in which all balls are brought into the game in four successive turns (alternating each time between opponents) by shooting from the baulk lines. A coin toss can be used to determine which side goes first. The winner of the coin toss can elect to either play first or the color of balls.

Each turn starts with one shot. This includes the opening. A player may earn one bonus shot for running through a wicket (hoop) in the proper order. A player may earn two bonus shots for hitting another ball (referred to as a roquet). The first bonus shot in this scenario must be played in contact with the roqueted ball and the striker, must hit into the roqueted ball enough to make it move.

After roqueting another ball, the striker may not roquet the ball again until the next wicket is cleared while in a turn. This is called being dead on a ball. However, at the start of any turn, all deadness is forgiven and a player may hit any ball on the court for bonus shots.

Official Rules of Association Croquet

Association Croquet Tournaments

Association Croquet Forum