2015 Women's AC Championship Dates

The organizing committee for the WCF Women's AC World Championship has announced that the WCF and the Croquet Association to hold the event at the Nottingham Croquet Club from July 25 to August 1, 2015. The event is being run in support of Cancer Research UK.

On September 21, the WCF will formally be inviting members to participate in the championship and to nominate players. Advance information for those who may be interested in playing is now available on the event's website at http://www.wacwc2015.org.

Morning Coffee: iPad, BU Extreme Croquet, WCF

As a web publisher, I definitely had an interest in checking out Apple's new iPad device. Yesterday, I did an in-store 30-minute test drive. Of course, I was disappointed that the Croquet Network Magazine issues were not viewable on the device (as expected), but I was pleased that the website shows fairly well. It was smaller than I expected and a little heavier. I found the internet speed to be adequate, but not necessarily lightning fast as advertised. All of the other apps on the other hand were very quick.


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