Morning Coffee: WCF Launches New Look Website

The World Croquet Federation launched their new website over the weekend. The best features include a rotating photo slideshow near the top of the hope page and a deeper list of new items alongside. Most importantly, the news items now generate unique URLs that can be direct linked. Now instead of posting full WCF statements, I'll be excerpting and linking.
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March Croquet Links: Meadows Mallet, South Africa and Vancouver

Meadows Mallet Croquet Club -- Brand new North Carolina club site built with Ning. Demonstrates the ability to quickly launch a site and build on as you go. Great photos!

South African Croquet Association -- Excellent croquet website for the South African Association.

Vancouver Croquet Club -- In the spirit of the recent Olympics, I thought it was time to add a Canadian club.

All links above will now appear in the Croquet Links section on the navigation bar at the top of the site. Any links back are greatly appreciated.