Morning Coffee: MacRob Drama, Nine-Wicket and the Weeds Mallet

Coffee in the evening? Why not?

The truth is this is only the second team croquet event that I've covered with last December's Solomon Trophy being the first. I think I may be spoiled because that event and this year's MacRobertson Shield have been wildly captivating.

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Croquet Search Trends (November 2009)

Here is the November list for hottest croquet keywords that hit in November:

01. Justin Berbig
02. U.S National Championship
03. West Indies Croquet
04. Shane Botwin
05. Stephen Mulliner
06. Ben Rothman
07. Croquet Network
08. Egyptian Croquet Federation
09. Sue Leitinger
10. Stephanie Paduano
11. Rich Schiller
12. Ben Morehead
13. Karen Comeau
14. Jenny Clarke
15. Chris Clarke