USCA Publisher's Desk: Vision for the Croquet News

As many of you know, I took over as publisher and editor of the USCA's Croquet News at the beginning of the year. Finally, on this third issue, I've found a way to add in a publisher's letter. Space is of course tight, so the print magazine has a website URL and QR code for mobile devices that directs you to this web posting. We've done the same for Michael Rumbin's Nine-Wicket Update. It's maybe not the most elegant solution, but at least we can say we are giving you a full magazine and more. And, we are absolutely committed to keeping the USCA up to date with all of the latest trends in digital media.

Susan (my wife) has just come in with the mail and I see my advance copies of the issue have arrived. Hopefully that is a good sign that USCA members will see their issues later this week and ideally before the holidays arrive. I will note that this issue was challenging. All kinds of events converged on what should have been production week and that along with my desire to cram new elements into this edition nearly sent me over the edge.

Those new elements include a letters section which you will find on page six along with a

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