Soo: Plimmerton is Tops For Challenging Conditions #02

The tournament opened with fine weather: mostly sunny and moderately breezy all day. With ground still damp from the recent rain, the notorious Atkins hoops are quite easy to run, up to a moderate angle. Conditions are most challenging at Plimmerton, with extreme variation in pace and significant slopes. Unsurprisingly, this is where games have been longest, and three games are pegged down.
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2015 WCF Women's ACWC - Update #6

The WCF Women's ACWC moved into the final four today. Jenny Clark is up against Gabrielle Higgins with two games completed. Higgins 26tp-10, Clarke 36tp-0 (Tied 1-1) is showing Miranda Chapman has advanced 26tp-0, 26tp-9 over Alison Sharpe with a 2-0 lead, but I thought earlier reports indicated that the semifinals would be best of five. In fact, Chris Clarke's commentary supports the best of five theory:

"Today's matches are best of 5 and the following time limits have been imposed 3/5/7/9/11"

Women's AC World Championship Bracket

Commentary Page