Hafner Has Early 2016 Grand Prix Lead

The end of January look at the 2016 Grand Prix race shows that Bob Hafner has the early lead. Here's a look at the Top 20 pulled January 31:

1Bob Hafner07700770
2Anne Jones Coco2.54200420
3Lee Hamel42100210
4Larry Beaton91350135
5Gray Muzzy91320132
6Theodore J. Thelin890090
7George Peterkin, III672072
8William Hixon1.570070
9George Saad670070
10William Hoffman954054
11Michael Kukla1045045
12Anne Kukla1239039
13Stuart Coco736036
14James H. Robertson936036
15Dean Ricci1230030
16Ron Truman927027
17Virginia Combs1321021
18Douglas Ledgett918018
19Rita McNamara1018018
20Michael Grasley612012