USCA Publisher Account Hacked

To all contacts related to the USCA's Croquet News magazine, the e-mail account was hacked and utilized to send out a spam link to all e-mail addresses. Yahoo did suspend the account relatively quickly. I have gained back control of the account at this point; however, it is still suspended from sending e-mail. You can still send mail in as I will receive it and hopefully this suspension will be lifted soon. 

I would like to indicate to everyone that it is extremely un-likely that I would send a non-croquet related link via the USCA account without a clear explanation in the message. E-mail account hacks are going to be a part of life until Microsoft, Yahoo and Google come up with a better authentication method, so please be wary of anyone that sends a short non-sensical message with a subject line that seems off.

Sorry for the inconvenience for everyone.

Dylan Goodwin | USCA Croquet News Publisher