January Croquet Links: Canberra, Nottingham List & Prairie Lights

Canberra Croquet Club -- A beautiful website for this croquet club based in Canberra, Australia. You can also take a fuzzy look at this club on Google streetview as well.

The Nottingham List -- Pretty much the undisputed #1 source for news and discussion on international croquet. I would call this an e-mail newsgroup. People under 35 may need to look up this term up -- this is the closest description I could find. What it means is people post to the list and you recieve those posts via e-mail. At times, it can generate a lot of mail for your inbox. However, a subscription to this list should be a mandatory requirement for those pursuing a career in law or physics. I can comprehend about 30% of the content that appears on the list.

Prairie Lights Croquet Club -- Manhattan, Illinois based club that has full-size court with lights for night play.

All links above will now appear in the Croquet Links section on the navigation bar at the top of the site. Any links back are greatly appreciated.