From international tournaments to exciting new developments in the world of croquet, it was a year filled with memorable moments for the sport. I hope that all of our readers had a wonderful holiday season and I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year as we look ahead to what the next 12 months will bring. Here are the top web posts from 2022:
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2022 Hurricane Women’s Golf Croquet Open
The inaugural Women’s Hurricane Golf Croquet Open tournament was held at the National Croquet Center in West Palm Beach, Florida on January 20-23, 2022.
The tournament was hosted by the women of the National Croquet Club and managed by Priscilla Flowers and Cami Russack. Macey White was the tournament director. 56 players signed up and represented all levels of GC play, from beginners to the best, including six of the top ten active female players in America; Helen Covington, Cheryl Bromley, Debbie Davidoff, Eileen Soo, Lynda Sudderberg, and Vicky Naranjo.
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