Morning Coffee: CWO Interviews Soo

CWO INTERVIEWS JEFF SOO: An extended interview with American legend Jeff Soo has been posted on the the Croquet World Online site. Lots of good stuff. Here's an excerpt before you jump in:

Golf Croquet is a boon, nothing mixed about it. The health of croquet isn't measured by how many dues-paying members there are, but how much croquet is being played. Golf Croquet has a much broader appeal than Association Croquet or American rules. Maybe if the USCA put more work into the development Golf Croquet events we'd get more members. Right now there's very little on the calendar.

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Top Players Ready to Battle for USCA Nationals

Twenty-nine of the United States best six-wicket croquet players will go to battle next week in the USCA
American Rules Croquet National Championship to be held at the National Croquet Center in West Palm
Beach, Florida. The event runs October 15-21 and will be the 36th edition of the USCA National
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