Click to visit CNet StoreThe free digital digition of the December / January issue of Croquet Network is going through final corrections and release is imminent. Expect the full media blitz at anytime.
The WCF is accepting 2011 nominations for the Croquet Hall of Fame. Follow the link to see previous inductees and a link to the online nomination form.
In other WCF news, Martin French is providing a monthly newsletter on WCF activities that will be available as a PDF.
Great article on Paul Skinley appeared on the Wauganui Chronicle website the other day as a follow-up to his North Island Championship win. Here's an excerpt:
"I'm not sure how many times I've won this tournament because I haven't played in it often - but I played in it when I was 15 in 1974, and won. So it's nice to win it at 51, going on 52."
Full results for the North Island Championship and the South Island Championship are available on the Croquet New Zealand website.
The CA website has a photo up for Rutger Beijderwellen's new swing trainer.
The ACA has made an invitation (PDF) available for the Inaugural GC President's Tens to be held February 11-14 at the Victorian Croquet Centre in Cairnlea.
Check the CWO Australia forum for several posts from Liz Fleming on the flooding in Australia. Opening excerpt:
These 100-year floods in Queensland, with three rivers overflowing their banks, have put most of the croquet lawns under water and dislocated both croquet players and crocodiles.
An Abilene, Texas reader gave croquet a little press on the Reporter News website, when she claimed that croquet might be too rough for the Big 10 after their "less-than-stellar" bowl season.