Croquet Network is pleased to present our Top 10 Croquet Mallet List For 2022. Purchasing a good quality croquet mallet that fits your playing style is one of the most challenging issues croquet players face. Only a select few live near a location that offers a walk-in location where a player can try out a mallet. For the majority of players, a croquet mallet purchase consists of carefully reading online descriptions and studying the accompanying images as the primary method of research. In some cases, a mallet buyer gets lucky and will run into other players at a national or regional croquet tournament that may have one of the mallets on the mallet shopping wishlist. Fortunately, in those cases, most croquet players are happy to let you have a little test run.
Still, it’s a less-than-ideal situation for selecting and finding that perfect croquet mallet. And that’s why Croquet Network is happy to offer this list that has been crafted through a multipoint formula to direct mallet buyers to at least the most sought-after mallet makers. While a mallet choice is unique to every croquet player, there is also a good reason why so many players drift toward certain brands. With that, we present the following list of the top 10 croquet mallet manufacturers for 2022 and wish you the best of luck in your search.
#1 Dave Trimmer-Pidcock Mallets
The heads are made from Carbon fiber and Kevlar/Carbon fiber weave. This keeps the body very light and strong. Peripheral weighting is maximized by having the main weight of the mallet head kept at the ends, in the form of one-inch thick brass inserts which are finely machined before being permanently bonded into place.
Country: United Kingdom
City: Gillingham, Dorset, England
Phone: 01747 824822
Mobile: 07769 030228
#2 PFC Hoop Maker
The first significant improvement in mallet design and striking face material in 40 years. As a result of today's computer technology and twenty-first century materials, all PFC mallets have incorporated two significant improvements:
A perfectly balanced metal alloy weatherproof croquet mallet
The availability of unique striking face material formulated in 2017
Both improvements have been used in the construction of Coles-Roice PFC Hoop Maker mallets and our new 'CF' hoop runner (carbon fiber sheathed) mallet range.
Country: Australia
City: Forster, New South Wales
In Australia Phone: +61 2 65553485
Outside Australia Phone: 02 65553485
#3 Wood Mallets
The largest manufacturer of competition croquet mallets in the world. We manufacture mallets to the highest possible standards, using the best materials. Whether for the international champion, or backyard player, they look great, perform well and are extremely competitively priced. We also stock a full range of accessories to meet all of your playing needs.
Country: New Zealand
City: Otane, Hawkes Bay
Phone: +64 27 566 2690
NZ Freephone: 0800 MALLET (625 538)
Main Website:
US Distributor:
#4 Oakley Woods
Oakley Woods Croquet is a family-owned business, located in Brighton, Ontario, and founded by Don Oakley. With over twenty years of custom woodworking experience, our shop was kept busy making a variety of fine wood products, from small-turned items to solid oak staircases and cabinets. In 1992, we were asked to replace some very tired backyard mallets. We discovered a local need for making high-quality croquet mallets. This led to more mallets, followed by requests for other croquet-related items. Soon we found ourselves providing balls, hoops, deadness boards, clips and a whole range of products.
Country: Canada
City: Brighton, Ontario
Toll Free: (866) 364-8895
Local: (613) 475-3541
#5 Terminator Mallets
CarbonXtreme's — Designed to give you maximum performance by putting the weight right to the ends while keeping the body a combination of light-weight and strength. So what? Good question!!! Remember in the fourth form "General Science" (year 10):
"An object in motion tends to remain in motion (in a straight line) unless acted upon by an external force"
Here endeth the lesson … Play with soft hands and let the mallet do the work. These Terminators have a very high "moment of inertia" so they will stay on track as long as you don't strangle the handle. The brass ends are faced with an injection molded Nylon/FiGlass composite that will give you just a bit of "feel." Think of these as "Tires on a car." They are super tough and you can replace them after a few years.
Country: New Zealand
City: Stoke, Nelson
Text: +64 21 665 672
Phone: +64 21 665 672 (don't leave a message send a txt )
Phone for NZ: 021 665 672
#6 Percival Mallets
Michael Percival has been making croquet mallets at his home in Suffolk since 1992. His goal is to make high-quality mallets from the best materials and at an affordable price. Percival has made over 4,000+ mallets, many of which have been exported abroad. Percival offers a wide range of mallets from the basic 'club' mallet to mallets made to personal specifications. Buyers can specify preferred wood, weight, length, handle and grip.
Country: United Kingdom
City: Sudbury, Suffolk
Phone: +44 (0) 1787 828464
Mobile: +44 (0) 7780 677943
#7 Transforma Mallets
Transforma Croquet Mallets are designed for beginner to advanced croquet players. Our classic wood croquet mallets are great entry-level croquet mallets while our advanced Transforma Croquet Mallets are carbon fiber shafts handcrafted to each individual’s requirements. The Transforma Croquet Mallets have hard-wearing Ertalon faces with custom weights to suit your croquet playing style.
Our top range croquet mallet is the Advance mallet, machined from one piece of Aluminium with Ertalon face plates. The new design has an extremely fast transfer of power to the ball, requiring less effort in the stroke and allowing you to concentrate on the accuracy of the hit.
Country: Australia
City: Colonel Light Gardens, South Australia
Phone: (08) 8277 2548
#8 JC Croquet
Unique, customized. JC Croquet mallets are handcrafted, but with technical criteria that allow optimal playing performance. JC Croquet manufacture fully customized mallets, both in wood and carbon fiber. Our mallets are adapted to the unique requirements of the player, or if you are just starting out and you are still not sure what you need, we offer the technical and game advice you require.
The origins of JC Croquet Mallets date back to 2013. Croquet was just beginning to take off in Spain, and in the Vista Hermosa Club in particular. It was a group of good friends who encouraged us in the sport. They saw in this game a way that we could overcome a great family loss.
Susana Romero became enthusiastic about the game and began to stand out at the national level. Her mallet was the first JC Croquet mallet made for her by Juan Carlos, her husband. With it, she quickly began to stand out nationally, and in a few years, she traveled to England to obtain the title of International Croquet Coach.
Juan Carlos Morillo, apart from his knowledge as an engineer, had a lot of experience in working with wood, years ago he had built himself a beautiful 40-foot sailing boat that had already crossed the Atlantic.
After all the years that have passed, the thousands of mallets manufactured and the number of championships participated in, JC Croquet has acquired important experience both as designers and manufacturers and as advisors who can help in the choice of a mallet that best suits your game characteristics.
Country: Spain
City: Cádiz
Phone: (+34) 667 618 870
Mobile: (+34) 609 350 526
#9 Croquet Orangewood Australia
Croquet Orangewood Australia is a proud family run business that was founded by Tony van der Meché in the early 1980's and its heritage and craft has been passed through the generations to continue to passionately produce the Orangewood Croquet Mallets and Croquet Sets of Australia
All our timber products are produced from naturally cured Australian hardwoods and turned by local wood turners locally on the Mornington Peninsula ensuring a high level of quality is retained and a true Australian made product remains part of Croquet Orangewoods legacy, Through innovation and development Croquet Orangewood were the pioneers of producing Tennis Court, Bowling Green Plate Hoops Sets and our Indoor croquet/puck sets that are all locally produced.
Country: Australia
City: Mccrae, Victoria
Phone: (03) 5986 2376
#10 Morford Mallets
Bob and Marylin Morford are members of the Mission Hills Croquet Club in Rancho Mirage, California. Bob is a retired structural engineer and has handcrafted wood projects in his private shop for more than 40 years. He has been playing croquet and handcrafting mallets since 2009. Every mallet is personally handcrafted with exotic and domestic woods to achieve the maximum torsion resistance for the particular configuration and weight specified by the customer. (No Longer in Business)
Country: United States
City: Rancho Mirage, California
Did you miss one of your favorite mallets on the Top 10 Mallet List? If so, no worries as Croquet Network offers plenty of additional mallet makers in our full equipment list. View the Full List of Croquet Mallet Manufacturers.
How We Made The Top 10 List
In the past, we’ve held a most popular mallet contest through a poll that drew in a lot of traffic, generated great discussion and ultimately provided a fantastic opportunity for the top mallet makers to show off their audience engagement skills. For this year’s list, we used a data-driven approach that factors in multiple sources and several data points to arrive at a ranking score for the most sought-after mallets. The one mandatory qualifier that we utilized was a rule to eliminate any mallet makers that did not have an active website. As a tool for croquet players looking to purchase a new mallet, we made the assumption that any mallet maker that doesn’t have an actual website is likely not really that interested in the wider market of croquet players. If however, you are a manufacturer looking to expand your business, contact us to learn more about building your web presence.
Researching the mallet makers of the world isn’t necessarily the easiest project, so it is possible that some mallet makers have been missed. If your favorite mallet is not on the list, please feel free to comment or reach out. We are always happy to research and add a mallet manufacturer to our full equipment directory … getting them on the radar for the 2023 list.