Missouri won the 2016 States ShieldCroquet Network is proud to announce an expansion for the 2017 edition of States Shield Golf Croquet team test. The GC team test started modestly in 2016 with Kansas and Missouri facing off last May with Missouri taking the inaugural title 7-3. For year two, Illinois and Wisconsin will join the mix and the first round tests will take place during the weekend of July 22. Wisconsin will host Illinois at the Milwaukee Croquet Club and Missouri will host Kansas at the Kactus Creek Croquet Club. The winners of those two tests will square off for the Shield in the Kansas City metro on August 19, 2017 at the Kactus Creek Croquet Club.
As the sponsor, Croquet Network will cover the sanction fees and provide a $450 stipend for the winning team from the north to cover travel expenses to Kansas City. The championship will rotate to the north in 2018.
Teams are comprised of three players each and initial rosters are due on June 15. Teams are allowed to name up to six players for their roster before announcing three starters for the actual tests.
Captains for the four state teams are:
Illinois - Rodney Workman
Kansas - Dylan Goodwin
Missouri - Matt Griffith
Wiconsin - Cheryl Bromley
Croquet Network is accepting applications for additional state teams for 2018 as the event plans to expand by four states in 2018. Please use this form to contact Croquet Network for information on the application process.
KEY 2017 DATES: June 15 - Rosters Due | July 22 - Round 1 Tests | August 19 - Championship Test (KC)