September Croquet Links: North Carolina, Kansas City and Dyffryn Croquet

Clubs -- This site covers North Carolina croquet and some great articles on tactics in the reference section.

Kactus Creek Croquet Club -- This is a club in Parkville, Missouri that boasts the only quality croquet field in the Kansas City Metro area. It also happens to be where I play. Matt Griffith built this field in his backyard over a period of seven years (2000-2007).


The Croquet Association -- The association website for the sport of croquet in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. More news on croquet for the associated clubs than you can keep up with.


Dyffryn Croquet Club (Wales) -- Since my grandfather was Welsh, I had to get this club in. Looks like a beautiful place to play.

All links above will now appear in the Croquet Links section on the navigation bar at the top of the site.