Croquet Network Magazine (November Issue Available)

November IssueThe November issue of Croquet Network Magazine is now available and simply requires a subscription to our free e-newsletter to gain access. Again, there is no charge for subscribing. This month's issue is 19 pages and is packed with the following features:

  • Six pages of USCA Nine-Wicket National Championship coverage
  • Ben Rothman Profile
  • Editorial on the Nine-Wicket game
  • Listing of popular croquet websites
  • Upcoming tournaments calendar
  • Relevant advertisements from croquet manufacturers
  • Active links in the magazine can take you directly to external websites or specific articles in the magazine
  • PDF based so you can download it

If you love croquet, you can support this project simply by subscribing to the list. Just follow the steps below.



To subscribe to the FREE monthly online Croquet Network Magazine (PDF), enter your e-mail and name in the form below. You will be sent offsite for a username and password that will get you into the magazine page. Click the "Return to Website" to log into the magazines page.


Later, you'll want to check your e-mail as you need to verify that you want to receive the Croquet Network E-Newsletter which provides the new password for each issue.

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Enter your name & email address below:
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Opening Game (October 2009)

Here in the Kansas City area, croquet is starting to wind down a bit as the weather cools down for fall. Behind the scenes though, we've been working feverishly on the November issue of the Croquet Network Online Magazine which will focus on the Nine-Wicket championships and kick off two new departments. The new issue will be out during the second half of the month and is already weighing in at 16 pages (first issue was 11).

In addition, the prep work for future issues is already underway, because even though croquet play here in the midwest may be ending, we all know that the next few months will be busy for the game with Selection 8's later this month and the USCA Championship and Women's Golf Championship in November. December has the USCA Golf Croquet Championship and the Solomon Trophy on deck.

Covering the Nine-Wicket Tourney in KC was a good way to get started, but the next challenge will be providing coverage for the very busy tournament schedule across the country and beyond. As I've been making contacts and requests across the croquet community, I'm already impressed at how willing players are to help out and how supportive they have been of the online magazine concept. That's great news as I'll be counting on the community for access, results and photos as we build this thing up.

Along those lines, I would like to remind everyone to feel free to utilize the forum/message board to talk croquet, pose questions, post tourney results or announce upcoming events. The link is located on the top menu and you can also check it out here:

Croquet Network Forum

Also, if you have not yet subscribed to the online magazine, you can do that by entering your name and e-mail address in the form to the upper right of the website. The magazine is still in the "Free Trial" phase right now, so you've got nothing to lose by signing up and checking out the premiere issue. Again, the November issue will be released in the second half of this month.

Enjoy the coverage and hopefully those in the midwest and north can get a few more games in before the really cold weather hits.