Bromley #06: GCWC Block Action Winding Down
Sherif Abdelwahab and Mohammad Kamal continued to put in impressive performances today with both players now 7-1 with one block match remaining.
In Abdelwahab's second match of the day, he faced George Coulter, age 20, the older of the two brothers from New Zealand who are absolutely fantastic shooters! The "young guns" are well-coached, composed and wonderful young men
Bromley GCWC #04: Day 2 Blocks
It was an absolutely beautiful warm day during this last week of summer here in Melbourne. USA players had a good day on the lawns with Sherif Abdelwahab posting his third win (and currently in the middle of his fourth match at the time of this entry [He won -- DG]).
Matt Griffith notched a win against Sweden's Joakim Norback and, in an exciting three-game match, Mohammad Kamal took down Australia's John Arney to add another win to his record. The photo above shows Kamal's hampered jump shot attempt at the 13th hoop in game two.
Bromley: GCWC Block Play Begins #03
Bromley: GCWC Opening Ceremony Journal #02
Bromley: GC World Championship Journal #01
2017 MacRobertson Shield Statistical Preview: Part 2
2017 MacRobertson Shield Statistical Preview: Part 1
For the tables below, I'll offer some comments on items that caught my eye, but it's primarily from a statistical look as I rarely get to watch even the US players and have no in-person experience watching players from the other three teams. I would encourage anyone with more insight to fill up the comments section with feedback.
WCF Golf Croquet WC Makes First Visit to Australia
Come along and see the game of croquet played at its absolute finest when the World Croquet Federation’s Golf Croquet World Championships come to Australia for the first time at the end of February.
Around 80 players from 14 countries will converge in Melbourne from February 25 to March 5, 2017 for the 12th World Championships, which are held every two years in a nominated country and attract the best names in the sport.