Croquet Network

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Opening Game (January 2010)

Okay, it's time to get back to work. More importantly, it's time to get the kids back in school, so I can work. I've just had two weeks at home with the eight- and four-year-old. A little sledding here, fort-building there and a trip to central Kansas, and all of the sudden the break is gone. No problem, the January issue of the digital magazine should come out this week, but I have to admit that is tight. Don't be surprised if it slips into next week.

I do want to remind everyone that this site welcomes feedback from all in the community. Comments are available on every article and the forum is wide open. I see a lot of discussion from the British players on the Nottingham e-mail list centered around association croquet. I would definitely encourage anyone that wants to talk to utilize the forum to get things started. The more active the discussion, the better.

Otherwise, here's to a fantastic 2010 and thanks for stopping by!

Dylan Goodwin
Croquet Network Publisher