Wii Is Making A Serious Push For Croquet

With the revolutionary controller, the Wii is perfect for croquet and exciting to see the release of a croquet game on the console as part to the compilation Summer Sports: Island Party game. The game is based on the backyard (one-ball) nine-wicket croquet version, but with some creativity, you can create a partner ball contest that is similar to the official nine-wicket rules.

Overall, for a nine-wicket croquet version it works relatively well, with the key weaknesses as follows:
It’s possible to run a wicket the wrong way.
Wickets are massively wide
You can’t hit a ball the length of the court. In fact, maximum distance looks to be about six to seven yards.
Croquet shots are a bit tricky to line up and execute … plus there is the maximum distance issue.
Players shoot golf style!!!!!
Even with the issues though, if you are an American player used to deadness croquet, the game isn’t a bad way to pass the time and if you still have a Wii console, the game can be found on Amazon: https://amzn.to/47RxJlm.